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Guide To Fishing On America's Great Lakes

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  • Lake Erie
  • Lake Huron
  • Lake Michigan
  • Lake Ontario
  • Lake Superior

Big lakes, big water, big fish and big fun are in order when you spend a day fishing on one of the Great Lakes. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario and Lake Superior are all aptly named great lakes.Pick any one of the five and you may be in for the trip and/or trophy fish of a lifetime. Together these five lakes cover over 90,000 square miles and have a collective shoreline of over 9,700 miles. That's a lot of water to fish and a lot of shoreline to explore.

Fish species* residing in one or more of The Great Lakes

Click images for fishing tips and details about each species.

Largemouth bass Smallmouth bass Channel catfish Black crappie Walleye Sauger Rainbow Trout Brook Trout Brown trout Lake trout Steelhead Fishing Bluegill Green Sunfish Pumpkinseed Sunfish Rock Bass White Bass White Perch Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Atlantic Salmon Chinook Salmon Coho Salmon Pink Salmon Muskie Northern Pike

Click the images and links above for species details.

*Species covered in this website.

The Five Great Lakes

Lake Erie
Lake Huron
Lake Michigan
Lake Ontario
Lake Superior

Fishing in The Great Lakes.

States with direct access to The Great Lakes

New York

The Great Lakes Map

The Great Lakes Contact Information

Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2200 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI, 48105
734 662-3209


Fishing lakes in each state.

AL Fishing Lakes AR Fishing Lakes AZ Fishing Lakes CA Fishing Lakes CO Fishing Lakes CT Fishing Lakes DC Fishing Lakes DE Fishing Lakes FL Fishing Lakes GA Fishing Lakes HI Fishing Lakes IA Fishing Lakes ID Fishing Lakes
IL Fishing Lakes IN Fishing Lakes KS Fishing Lakes KY Fishing Lakes LA Fishing Lakes MA Fishing Lakes MD Fishing Lakes ME Fishing Lakes MI Fishing Lakes MN Fishing Lakes MO Fishing Lakes MS Fishing Lakes MT Fishing Lakes
NC Fishing Lakes ND Fishing Lakes NE Fishing Lakes NH Fishing Lakes NJ Fishing Lakes NM Fishing Lakes NV Fishing Lakes NY Fishing Lakes OH Fishing Lakes OK Fishing Lakes OR Fishing Lakes PA Fishing Lakes
RI Fishing Lakes SC Fishing Lakes SD Fishing Lakes TN Fishing Lakes TX Fishing Lakes UT Fishing Lakes VA Fishing Lakes VT Fishing Lakes WA Fishing Lakes WI Fishing Lakes WV Fishing Lakes WY Fishing Lakes
