Indiana Fishing Lakes Map
Interactive map plus a list of fishing lakes in IN.
Below the map is a list of major fishing lakes.
lakes in Indiana.
Use the above map to locate these bodies of water and find the best fishing lakes in Indiana.
The state of Indiana has abundant fishing opportunities. Try your luck at some of these major Lakes and impoundments.
Barbee Lake is an 850 surface acre lake in the north central part of the state, 8 miles north of Princeton.
Bass Lake is a 1,400-acre lake in the northeast part of the state, 5 miles north of Winamac.
Big Long Lake is a 360 surface acre lake in the northeast corner of the state, 35 miles north of Fort Wayne.
Big Turkey Lake is a 450 acre lake in the northeast corner of the state 2 miles north of Turkey Creek.
Bluegrass FWA Lake is a 600-acre lake in the southwest corner of the state, 10 miles northeast of Evansville.
Brookville Lake is a 5,200-acre lake in the east-central part of the state, at Brookville.
Cagles Mill Lake is a 1,400-acre lake in the west-central part of the state, 4 miles east of Poland.
Cecil M Hardin Lake is a 2,100-acre lake in the west-central part of the state, 8 miles east of Rockville.
Dewart Lake is a 550 acre lake in the north central section of IN, 3 miles north of Oswego.
Dogwood Lake is a 1,400-acre lake in the southwest part of the state, 4 miles west of Alfordsville.
Eagle Creek Reservoir is a 1,300-acre lake in the central part of the state, at Clermont.
Geist Reservoir is a 1,800-acre lake in the central part of the state, 2 miles north of McCordsville.
Griffy Lake is a 109 acre lake in the south central part of the state 2 miles north of Bloomington.
Hamilton Lake is a 800-acre lake in the northeast corner of the state, at Hamilton.
Hardy Lake is a 740 acre lake in the southeast part of the state, 5 miles south of Comminskey.
Hovey Lake is a 1,400-acre lake in the southwest corner of the state, 5 miles south of Mt Vernon.
Irish Lake is a 180 acre lake in the north central corner of the state at Barbee.
J C Murphey Lake is a 1,200-acre lake on the northwest border of the state, 2 miles northwest of Morocco.
J. Edward Roush Lake is a 960 acre lake in the northeast corner of the state, 1 mile southeast of Huntington.
James Lake is a 2,000-acre lake in the northeast corner part of the state, 5 miles west of Fremont.
Jimmerson Lake is a 300 surface acre lake in the northeast corner of the state, 8 miles east of Orland.
Kuhn Lake is a 270 surface acre lake in the north central corner of the state at Barbee.
Lake Freeman is a 1,500-acre lake in the northwest part of the state, at Yoeman.
Lake Lemon is a 1,650 acre lake in the south central part of the state 8 miles northeast of Bloomington.
Lake Manitou is a 770 acre lake in the north central quadrant of the state at Rochester.
Lake Maxinkuckee is a 1,900-acre lake in the north-central part of the state, at Culver.
Lake Michigan is a 22,300 square mile body of water in the northwest corner of the state, at Culver.
Lake Papakeechie is a 180 acre lake in the north central quadrant of the state 4 miles southeast of South Park.
Lake Shafer is a 1,290-acre lake in the northwest part of the state, 3 miles north of Monticello.
Lake Wawasee is a 3,100-acre lake in the northeast part of the state, at Syracuse.
Mississinewa Reservoir is a 3,200-acre lake in the northeast part of the state, 5 miles southeast of Peru.
Monroe Lake is a 10,700-acre lake in the central part of the state, at Smithville.
Morse Reservoir is an 1,800-acre lake in the central part of the state, at Cicero.
Nyona Lake is a 104 acre lake in the north central section of the state, 2 miles south of Green Oak.
Patoka Lake is an 8,800-acre lake in the south-central part of the state, 5 miles north of Eckerty.
Pine Lake is a 710 surface acre lake in the northeast quadrant of the state at Lynn Grove.
Prairie Creek Reservoir is a 1,200-acre lake in the eastern part of the state, 5 miles northwest of Blountsville.
Salamonie Lake is a 2,800-acre lake in the northeast part of the state, at Mt Etna.
Summit Lake is a 800-acre lake in the eastern part of the state, 4 miles northeast of Mt Summit.
Sylvan Lake is a 670-acre lake in the northeast part of the state, at Rome City.
Syracuse Lake is a 400 acre lake in the north central quadrant of the state at Syracuse.
Tippecanoe Lake is an 880 acre lake in the north central part of the state, at Oswego.
Turtle Creek Reservoir is a 1,500-acre lake in the southwest part of the state, 1 mile east of Merom.
Waubee Lake is a 180 acre lake in the north central part of the state at Milford.
Webster Lake is a 640 surface acre lake in the north central part of the state, at North Webster.
West Boggs Lake is a 620-acre lake in the sourtwest part of the state, 5 miles south of Bramble.
Winona Lake is a 570-acre lake in the north-central part of the state, at Warsaw.
Witmer Lake is a 290 acre lake in the northeast corner of the state, 1 mile northwest of Wolcottville.
Worster Lake is a 330 surface acre lake in north central Indiana, 10 miles southwest of South Bend.
Click here for a Indiana Fishing License.
Maps to find fishing lakes, by state.