Fishing For Other Species In New Mexico
All about fishing for longnose gar, northern pike and tiger muskie in NM.
This state offers unique fishing opportunities. Listed below find information about these species of fish, found in New Mexico waters. Larger lakes across the state, with some of these miscellaneous fish populations, may include Bluewater Lake, Brantley Lake, Caballo Lake, Eagle Nest Lake, Elephant Butte Reservoir, Navajo Lake, Red Bluff Reservoir, Quemado Lake, Santa Rosa Lake, Sumner Lake, Ute Lake and some rivers. Try ice fishing for northern pike at Eagle Nest Lake.
Other Available Species
Longnose gar
World record: 50 lbs 5 oz
State Record: 12 lbs 8 oz
Northern pike
World record: 55 lbs 1 oz
State Record: 36 lbs 0 oz
Tiger muskie
World record: 51 lbs 2 oz
State Record: 38 lbs 2 oz
Click the images and links above for species details.
Check out the Northern Pike Fishing page to get tips, tactics and methods for catching more pike. Also visit the top producing northern pike lures page to assist in selecting the best baits. The Muskie Fishing page offers methods, tips and tactics. Also view the page revealing the top producing lures for catching musky and tiger musky.
New Mexico Miscellaneous State Record Fish
The state record longnose gar was caught from the Pecos River.
The state record northern pike was taken out of Miami Lake.
The state record tiger muskie was taken out of Blue Water Lake.
Information on fishing for unique species, by state.
Learn the habits and lifecycle of each species
Many of the species we portray as "other" in this website are simply not as commonly fished for as the more popular fish. For insight into some of these "other" fish in New Mexico, visit the other fishing page for more in-depth information.