Connecticut Fishing Clubs & Organizations
Join a local fishing club
These fishing organizations are headquartered in Connecticut, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in CT
Connecticut Regulatory Agencies
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Fishing
Connecticut Fishing Organizations
Northwestern Connecticut Trout Unlimited (NWCTU)
Founded in 1963, and though on the smaller side in terms of members, we have a huge footprint in the Northeast as a very active club.
Connecticut Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
Limestone Trout Club
Dean Keister - 203 834-1528 - [email protected]
Private, members only fly fishing club located in the Northwest corner of CT offering stillwater fly fishing only on reclaimed limestone quarry ponds. Members, family and invited guests can enjoy our 94 acre property including a clubhouse, cottage, on-site property manager and more. Initial and annual dues.
Hammonasset Chapter #446 Trout Unlimited
Steve Butcher - 860 346-3382
[email protected]
500+ members, participating in various aspects of cold-water conservation serving the south central part of the state. See our web site for further details. We have a yearly Youth Education Day, the first Saturday in October, at Chatfiled Hollow State Park. Offered free of charge to 24 - 36 children from 8 to 16 yrs of age. Classes include entomology, fly tying and fly casting.
Trout Unlimited - Connecticut Council
[email protected]
Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's cold water fisheries and their watersheds. The Connecticut Council of Trout Unlimited represents the eight chapters and 3500 members of Trout Unlimited in Connecticut. Visit our web site to find the closest chapter, or to find out when meetings, hearings or trips are.
The Hybrid Anglers
Brian Kirby - 203 379-8356 - [email protected]
The Hybrid Anglers are a group of guys from CT and a few surrounding states who like to fish any time, any place, anything. We may not be the largest club, or have lots of meetings where we talk about fishing, but we fish and have fun. We support all types of fishing at all levels, and our goal is to get and keep people involved in the sport. Our members come from all different backgrounds, but share a love of fishing. Our site provides local information, including support for shops and services, reports, and links to fishing organizations we support like Angler's Legacy, Keep America Fishing and Take a Vet Fishing. We also provide a Forum to keep in touch and share information.
Nutmeg chapter Trout Unlimited
Contact Email Address: [email protected]
"Its mission is to conserve, protect and restore trout and their streams in eastern Fairfield County, Connecticut - particularly in local rivers such as the Saugatuck, Mill, Aspetuck, Pequonnock and Farmill."
Connecticut Youth Fishing Information
C.A.R.E. Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education
Support Connecticut organizations that promote the sport of fishing, safety and conservation.
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