Wisconsin Fishing Clubs & Organizations
Join a local fishing club

These fishing organizations are headquartered in Wisconsin, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in WI
Wisconsin Regulatory Agencies
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
Country Muskies Inc. - 608-786-4062
Mike Weidemann - [email protected]
Devoted to Muskie stocking and habitat conservation. Find this group
to be helpful in fishing muskies in the LaCrosse, WI area.
Wisconsin Fishing Club Ltd
Dedicated Anglers meet twice monthly share knowledge
promote angling. Monthly outings on area lakes and annual outing
to Lake Erie. All fund raising go to benefit Kids Fishing Clinic
Hosted by WDNR and the Wisconsin Fishing Club. Join now learn fish
share enjoy time on water even more.
River Falls, WI Kinni Bass Master Fishing Club
BJ Erickson - [email protected]
We're looking to up our membership numbers - please come join us.
Wisconsin Youth Fishing Information
Fishing Wisconsin, Taking Kids Fishing: WI DNR
Support Wisconsin organizations that promote the sport of fishing, safety and conservation.
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