Florida Fishing Clubs & Organizations
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These fishing organizations are headquartered in Florida, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in FL
Florida Regulatory Agencies
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
Boynton Beach Fishing Club
Ken Sorensen, President (561) 703-5638
[email protected]
Our club was formed in the early 1980's by anglers in Boynton Beach area to promote and enjoy sport fishing. We are open to all types of fishing among people of all ages and levels of experience from novice to professional. While most of our members have experience in saltwater fishing, many of us are avid freshwater anglers as well. Many of our members own boat, but no all. The club is open to all beginners and experienced anglers. We hold meetings the fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00PM in the Boat Park Clubhouse, aka (U.S.C.G. Aux. Bldg.) as well as having regular fishing outings and plans to hold in house and open fishing tournaments in the not too far distant future. We publish a newsletter monthly. For more information go to www.BIFC.Org.
Panama City Bassmasters
Jim Rains - [email protected]
One of the original Bass Fishing Clubs in Panama City, Florida. We are a non-affiliated bass club fishing rivers and lakes in Northwest Florida (Apalachicola, Chipola, Brothers Rivers, Lake Wimico, etc.). We hold a regular scheduled monthly meeting and a catch and release fishing tournament 12 months out of the year. Our tournaments are held on Saturday following the first Monday of each month. We are a group of men that enjoy fishing, trading fishing ideas and techniques, looking forward to the challenge of a tournament, the promotion of bass fishing as a sport and the conservation of the sport and all of its surroundings.
South Florida Bass Pros
Keith Wood - [email protected]
One of South Florida's oldest bass clubs. Boaters and non boaters welcome.
Florida Youth Fishing Information
Port Saint Lucie Anglers Club
Mark Rosen - 772 340-7440, [email protected]
We are a club dedicated to promoting fishing in the St Lucie county area. We teach kids the joy of fishing and promote conservation activities as well as sponsor tournaments and fishing outings.
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